Hi, we are Sya.

An IT integrated solution provider
obsessed with perfectionism

Any creative project is unique and should be provided with
the appropriate quality.

Data Service

High-end R&D team

Driven by advanced research and

backed by mature technologies.

  • Data

  • Data

  • IT

Cloud Service

Cloud Service

Designers & engineers working seamlessly

Combine technology with experience

into a Bigger than bigger solution

  • Website

  • Forum

  • ERP

Mobile Internet

Afraid of falling behind in the global information revolution?

Tailor your wired & wireless web products

Defeat competitors in every day

  • Android / iOS

  • HTML5 Game

  • WeChat
    Official Account

CaseWe provide complete IT service for enterprise.
Your business will be efficiently powered by our professional data analysis and product R&D team.

Contact Us

Add: Room 911, Office Building 1, Desheng Zhiye Mansion, Xicheng District, Beijing

Tel: 010-57488847